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Hello everyone. Welcome and Thank you for visiting my site. I figured it was about time I start writing and showing my works. And let me be honest with you all. I am struggling at the moment. I don't know what it is but, I am still finding it hard to pick up a paint brush. I would get into it, and then all of a sudden, I'm putting my paint away.

No artist wants to think they are losing interest in their works. I don't know if me trying to maintain my health is taking up all of my attention to where it wipes me out and then I crash. But whatever is happening to prevent me from working, sucks. So... I'm going to re-up a project I've done in the past that I'm sure will help me as an artist to get through this art block ANNNND, help Creator's World.

So, I've been accumulating a lot of boxes from when I order from Amazon. These boxes are piling up and piling up, and I don't want to tear them apart and throw them away. I've been recycling for years. I recycle plastic bottles and cans; and then I decided to recycle cardboard as well. So how I recycle them is to paint my works on them.

Since I haven't done these projects in years, I pulled out my mat cutter. I will begin to cut these boxes; make sure they are the perfect measurements, and begin painting freestyle works on them.

This was something that I definitely enjoyed doing years ago. Thinking about it now and gathering my tools, I am quite excited to get started. I know this will break the art block I am currently experiencing.

I will be sure to take some photo's and video clips of me creating, for sure. And I hope you all will support my work in efforts of recycling and keeping Creator's World clean and meaningful. Thank you all so much for reading my post; more posts to come. And please, if you'd like to see my other works, visit @AudreyalKoinva on Instagram. Have a beautiful day!! ♥Audie

On Friday, August 2, 2019 at 7:45pm, My Dog, My Best Friend, My Life Partner, My Universe, has left me to enjoy her new life. She turned 15 years old on July 7th, 2019 and has indeed lived a full life by my side. I feel so loved and so lucky that she chose me to share her life with. She's been by my side through lonely times, through friendships to enemies, through new relationships to breakups, through sicknesses and surgeries, and from sadness to happiness. I knew that every time she looked at me, she was "in love" with me. She's been by my side through half of my life. and has loved me her whole entire life. Thank you Dah-lah, and I luv u with all my Universe. I was your Mm'ummy, and you have taught me what it's like to go through and feel every emotion as one. I can't wait to see that happy tail again when it's my turn. We will be our happiest when you're back in my arms. Enjoy your new life, babygirl. Your light will always stay with me.

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